Rare Kumihimo Books

As a used book, price may change according to its condition. Please ask for the current prices and conditions at:   books@texte.co.jp

Karakumi Hirao

Author: Seigyoku Takatsukasa

Size: B5@164P
Publisher: Heibon-sha
Price: 200USD

1972@iLimited publ. for 500 copiesj

P.3 P.7 P.149
The only book dealing with Karakumi-Hirao in a systematic manner. The author was one of the decipline of the late Jyusuke Fukami, a National Living Treasure of Japan. Eight color pages show verious Karakumi-Hirao examples including very old ones. Written in Japanese.

Braids in the Shosoin

Author: The Imperial Houshold Agency

Size: A4@172P
Publisher: Heibon-sha
Price: 130USD


P.18 P.56 P.190
The Shosoin Repository was built in the Nara period, eighth century AD, known as the terminal of the Silk Road, where many fine ancient crafts were preserved including hundreds of Kumihimo. This book is the official record of inspection of 354 braids by Shinbei Domyo and Issei Yamaoka from 1968 to 1972. A 99 photos and 8-page English summary are included. Written in Japanese

Kumihimo Jewelry

Author: Aya Nakayama

Size: 220 x 262@159P
Publisher: Bijyutsu shuppan-sha
Price: 70 USD


P.1 P.49 P.127

Metal fittings are seamlessly combined with silk braids. With these amazing works, kumihimo became a fine art. Detailed instruction to make such art step-by-step is given by the author with 66 photographs . Written in Japanese

Kumihimo Beads

Author: Kumiko Kakimoto

Size: 250 x 250mm@94P
Publisher: Shiko-sha
Price: 60 USD


p.8 p.15


This book deals extensively with kumihimo and beads combination for the first time. Today's beads kumihimo enjoys stereoscopic beads configuration owing to kumihimo substructure, while in this book, beads play just an auxillary role to highlight the beauty of verious types of fine kumihimo. Written in Japanese

ISBN 9784879405337

As a used book, price may change according to its condition. Please ask for the current prices and conditions at:   books@texte.co.jp